(meme spam)

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  • Meme: Well, shameless ego rubbing would be an appropriate name -

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Feb 10, 2008 19:33

    I know I've not exactly been active for the last few months, and I'm very sorry! I'm working on that though. If anyone's curious, I'm currently engaged in a reading project at bookturnedmind, and will be posting WIPs later today over at thescriptoria.

    In the mean time, I'm lurking hopefully at The Feedback Meme, where people say generally nice things about other people's ( Read more... )

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  • Basically, as it's the start of the year, I will assault you all with memespam

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Jan 01, 2008 14:27

    By which I mean, uh, hi! There are apparantly more of you than there were, so hi to everyone, I apologise for all the not-fic-spam that's happening today, and HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. :)

    In the way of meme spam - my sort-of-annual thing:
    Based on whatever of mine you've read ( Read more... )

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  • FFX: Endurance and Affection

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Dec 25, 2007 18:09

    Title: Endurance and Affection
    Rating: G
    Word Count: 218
    Characters: Auron, Braska, Jecht
    Notes: Written for bottle_of_shine for a meme I did a while back.

    Auron had endured Jecht's presence at Braska's request. )

    ffx: jecht, (meme spam), ffx: auron, ffx, ffx: braska

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  • Meme spam: Cluedo vs Why They Love Each Other

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Sep 26, 2007 18:01

    Give me the names of two characters and I will tell you why character A loves character B. I might answer with a drabble, a quickbit of meta, or a list, just to make things that tiny bit more exciting.

    (Pairings all ready requested:Demon Diary - Eclipse/Raenef ( Read more... )

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  • [Meme Spam] I have got to stop thinking of this as a customer satisfaction card

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Jun 16, 2007 20:49

    Okay, I swear I'm done spamming F-pages after this. No, really.

    I actually did this meme a while back (it was stolen in a truly honest fashion from lazulisong), but a) Hey, I found it again! and b) I'm curious as to whether people still crit me on the things they did back then.

    So! Based on whatever of mine you've read:

    1) Do I have a distinct style of ( Read more... )

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  • Meme Spam: Five Things

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma May 13, 2007 21:58

    I have exams the week after next! Give me something nice to think about?

    Comment with a topic, list, category, prompt, whatever (For example - "five times Leon had D right where he wanted him, and the one time D didn't get away" which I used as an example on my personal journal, and yellowhorde said I should write...) and I will write you ficbits. Or at ( Read more... )

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  • [Offers] A sentence of fic

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Apr 10, 2007 08:32

    Okay, this one seems to be doing the rounds of my Flist, and, well. Bandwagon jumping is a viable hobby in my opinion?

    Give me a handful of story prompts (more specific than just a character or pairing name, please) and I'll give you a title and line from the nonexistant stories. And I might possibly write you a drabble instead, but eh. We all ( Read more... )

    (meme spam)

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  • [Offers] Timestamp fic

    not_cynical wrote in inkandkarma Feb 01, 2007 18:11

    Ganked from sister_coyote:

    Give me one of my own stories, and a timestamp sometime in the future after the end of the story, or sometime in the past before the story started, and I'll write you at least a hundred words of what happened then, whether it's five minutes before the story started or ten years in the future.Based on the assumption that most of the ( Read more... )

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